i guess technically that came after turning off the blender. and maybe after standing there for a moment dumbfounded.
the smoothie was almost done. i had tasted it and thought it needed a little something more, so i got out the frozen pineapple to add a few chunks (6 to be exact : ) i was just going to let it all blend together and get out any more chunks for a couple more minutes. i know will doesn't like chunky smoothies. and who can blame him too much, it is supposed to be a smoothie, not a chunky. anyway, i thought i'd multitask and put the pineapple quickly back into the freezer. (they do say very clearly on the bag not to let thaw (until you're ready, of course).)
thinking back to watching my mom use the blender, it was fairly important to stand there with your hand on the lid. that was partially so the lid didn't fly off, but also because the vibrations would send the blender who knows where on a little trip.
so my concern was if this blender was going to dance itself right off the counter top in the 8 seconds i wouldn't be standing there babysitting it. i made certain to look back over at the blender every second or so. really! every second or less! it seemed to be staying in one place, so i thought i was good, but still checked faithfully. i noticed that it turned the plastic "jar" from one side to another, but there's not just one place it needs to sit.
suddenly my mind had to try to catch up to what my eyes were seeing. it was like a monster movie. the green ooze was oozing out of the blender! like i said, i was dumbfounded. i knew to turn the thing off, but for some reason it was hard to be logical in the moment. : ) i took a few pictures. the next thing that seemed to make sense was to hurry and pour some of the smoothie out. then i decided i needed to figure out how to clean it up - i couldn't submerge the base! so i used paper towel after paper towel to wipe it all down and remove what must have been at least half a cup of smoothie from the middle. i couldn't help but think as i threw them one by one, coated in green smoothie, into the garbage, "there go my liquid assets!" haha : ) i probably lost close to a cup total, but still had some for today and froze nearly four cups for lunches this week.
somewhere in there i looked over at my sous chef... i knew he was getting tired and would be ready for a nap before too long. but apparently all the excitement was too much for him and he had already checked out. that or he said "wake me when you're making a milkshake!" so then naptime minutes were dedicated to the green monster. i will say, though, after a little while i decided to try to transfer him to his bed, and for the kid who doesn't transfer well, he helped me out this time!
it really wasn't that bad, and i had a good laugh with myself since will and andrew missed it. next time i will put the pineapple away before starting it up again. and next time i will think about if i'd rather potentially clean up a mess, or battle with the gripper a little harder to unscrew the bottom part of the blender... i do recall twisting it tight, but not as tight as i could this last time out of the dishwasher because i really dislike trying to take it apart again... i've learned my lesson... : )