This morning we went right when the library opened at 10 to sign ourselves up for the summer reading program. Not because you can't sign up any day of the summer, but because they had a "free gift" for the first 25 to sign up (for adults at least, but I thought I'd read that for kids) and we like freebies and what if it was a free book??!!!! I'm pretty sure I saw them give a kid a cellophane bag with a bookmark and pencil in it saying it was his "gift" so then I really didn't want one for Andrew because, let's be honest, it would come home and just sit here because he doesn't need a bookmark and I try to keep most writing utensils away from him right now unless he's under highest levels of supervision.
We filled out Andrew's little registration slip, his first raffle ticket, and he colored a picture for the display. They had lots of different little sports related pictures and I took the liberty of choosing the bike for him. He liked it, dumped out his box of crayons and actually sat there for at least 5 minutes using a variety of colors to scribble all over it. I was really impressed. I'm sure it helped that all the other kids were older than him and so he was just doing what the big kids were doing. He also told me about the "airplanes" he was adding to the picture, which is one of the specific things he says he's drawing so far (the others being trains or cars, of course). He also got to eat a cookie after all that. I did show him his three options and then was happy that he was happy with a vanilla sandwich cookie (seemed least messy). After he opened it and ate the filling he told me he was all done so I finished it.
We spent some time in one of the other rooms reading some, playing with toys, and him inserting himself into the KidPix play of some kids on the computer. By the time we left his little picture was already up on the bulletin board. We went upstairs to sign me up and she gave me a plastic summer reading program bag and told me it was my free gift. After we were home I saw that it did actually have a "READ" pen and three mini York Peppermint Patties in it. Ok, I guess that's a decent "gift" after all - consumable! Jeff, remember when Mom used to get us big Yorks while we were out running errands and then we'd get to go home and eat them in the back yard??!
We ended up being there longer than I had anticipated - I didn't really know they were having activities. We were back home just after 11 to get the grocery bags and take a picture of the shopping list. We do it that way now after I'm pretty sure I lost our old notebook in the store or left it in the cart. It's really just one more thing to carry. Anyway, we drive to Aldi and by the time we're there he's asleep!!! I didn't realize he was that tired already, but we were there, so I woke him up to shop.
We did our shopping there and Walmart and then headed home. I thought if he had been that tired there was a good chance he'd fall asleep again, but he didn't. Pros and cons.... Great that I could feed him lunch before his nap, but it makes carrying in all the groceries a little trickier - lots of small trips (to the porch, inside the font door, then the final leg to the kitchen). A few bags, a watermelon, two milks, and ice cream to worry about in the heat of the day, but we made it. Luckily he was cooperative to come inside easier than sometimes... I worked on getting things put away while he ate his bean soup and applesauce. (I like that my toddler likes bean soup, by the way : )
The routine is after he's washed I take him straight up to his bed for a nap. Today, probably because he was overtired, he was upset about something and I realize he's asking for Go Dog Go! So we get the book, sit on the couch and read it. During the book he reaches over to grab the Friend magazine. I try to slip it away while he's enjoying all the dogs and cars because I don't want to stray too far from the routine and it was getting later. We finish Go Dog Go! and he now is wanting the Friend magazine. This is our first Friend magazine ever. It just arrived on Saturday and we pulled it out for the first time yesterday. He already knows he likes it, though, which is good. I open it up and he points out several pictures. We turn the page and we're to the little simple story about Captain Moroni. Still trying to keep it short I'm just letting him point out things. Then I decide I should take the opportunity and it has so few words anyway so I read it to him. He likes the flag and he likes Captain Moroni. He sees a mom and a dad and some kids. He's asking for a flag like Moroni's. I tell him we can get one after his nap and he's satisfied enough.
I take him upstairs and he's happy to see his bed and pacifier. Like usual he requests some songs. Last night he went into his bed in a wild tantrum over wanting The Wheels on the Bus over and over, which Will did a few times and he had already done the little board book of it before putting him in his bed. This afternoon he's requesting Wheels on the Bus again so I sing each verse he suggests. Then I switch to some Primary songs. Somehow Moroni comes up again and we're talking about his flag. Then he requests a Moroni song...... I can't think of one.... He's distressed so I check the LDS music app searching "Moroni." That only brings up songs that have a Moroni scripture at the bottom. He's escalating and I tell him I'll try to find one for after his nap. I see there's a song about the angel appearing to Joseph Smith and it works to sub Moroni's name, so I try that but by now he's irrational and it's not good enough. I even try singing "Moroni, Moroni, Moroni" to my own tune and he won't accept it... hahaha. I turn on his CD with Primary songs, tell him I love him and to have a good nap, and I leave while he's in mid-tantrum over me not being able to provide a Moroni song... all while trying not to giggle.... Don't worry, he calmed down after a few minutes.
I texted Will what was going on and he reminded me of the song on the Seminary CD (but it never actually mentions his name). I kept thinking of the one from From Cumorah's Hill that has the line, "I stand with Nephi and Moroni." But I was blanking beyond that.... And in all my searching in the last little while as I've had lunch I can't find a song about Captain Moroni.... He gets such a nice scripture about him - can we please get a song about Captain Moroni????!!! Alma 48:17 says, "Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men."
I guess I could work on one myself, but this is not my area of expertise.... Lindsay??? Brett???? Help a sister out, here! And help a nephew out... hahaha
But if we're going to have tantrums I guess it makes it a little easier when your sweet not-yet-two year old is so distraught over his desire for something Captain Moroni related... haha I guess now I know which scripture hero figurine to get him for his birthday!
Who on earth is she talking about??? Here is a link to the same story that I've read Andrew a few times in his brand new Friend magazine about Captain Moroni. Here is a different link to the same story, but another version from a different issue that has a little bit more detail. He was a great leader who loved God and stood up for important things like religion, freedom, peace, and families.
Ash and Will

We are a happy family! : )
Monday, June 27, 2016
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Watch out Betty!
One day last week I made strawberry freezer jam (yum!!) with strawberries that Andrew and I had hand picked. That very same day I made crock pot veggie lasagna that turned out excellent. It included fresh basil that I trimmed off our own plant! The next day I made a pound cake to eat more strawberries with. All so good!
You: How very domestic of you!
Me: I KNOW!!
You: How very domestic of you!
Me: I KNOW!!
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Adoption is Wonderful : )
Posted by a friend on facebook along with some old family pictures: "[so and so] found proof that I wasn't adopted!"
So tell me..... what's wrong with being adopted?
Absolutely nothing. We could not love Andrew any more if he were a biological son. He is definitely meant for our family and will be a fantastic big brother. Heavenly Father has a perfect plan for all of us and in our case that meant adopting Andrew.
I'm fairly sure that most people, if asked, would say great things about adoption whether they were personally touched by it or not. Somehow that doesn't stop people from making jokes like this, though. Maybe you, as an adult?, can discern what's meant to be a playful joke (or not), but what about children, teenagers, or even young adults feeling confused or trying to figure out their own thoughts and feelings. All children are blessings from heaven - whether they come to you biologically or not. The implication that an adoption is second-rate can be harmful and is untrue.
This reminds me of the meme that I won't pass on here because it irritates me. Two babies - one teasing the other about being adopted. In several years when he can understand more what would my son think when he saw that?
There are enough questions and emotions that can come for an adopted child. There are enough negative ideas, stereotypes, and comments made to and about those involved with adoption. Please don't fuel it!
Instead, celebrate the beautiful people and relationships that we are all blessed by because of adoption! If you aren't touched personally now, I'm sure you know someone who is or will be touched some day.
Adoption is wonderful : )
So tell me..... what's wrong with being adopted?
Absolutely nothing. We could not love Andrew any more if he were a biological son. He is definitely meant for our family and will be a fantastic big brother. Heavenly Father has a perfect plan for all of us and in our case that meant adopting Andrew.
I'm fairly sure that most people, if asked, would say great things about adoption whether they were personally touched by it or not. Somehow that doesn't stop people from making jokes like this, though. Maybe you, as an adult?, can discern what's meant to be a playful joke (or not), but what about children, teenagers, or even young adults feeling confused or trying to figure out their own thoughts and feelings. All children are blessings from heaven - whether they come to you biologically or not. The implication that an adoption is second-rate can be harmful and is untrue.
This reminds me of the meme that I won't pass on here because it irritates me. Two babies - one teasing the other about being adopted. In several years when he can understand more what would my son think when he saw that?
There are enough questions and emotions that can come for an adopted child. There are enough negative ideas, stereotypes, and comments made to and about those involved with adoption. Please don't fuel it!
Instead, celebrate the beautiful people and relationships that we are all blessed by because of adoption! If you aren't touched personally now, I'm sure you know someone who is or will be touched some day.
Adoption is wonderful : )
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