Anyway. Oftentimes when I find something that I think is rather funny and go to show it to Will it's like he takes it as a challenge to not think it's as funny as I do just to give me a hard time. Maybe that's just when I'm laughing so hard that I can hardly talk and he thinks I must be bonkers or too tired or it's some brand of funny that he doesn't think is as funny.... (like stay at home mom humor?).
But here I was laughing (out loud) to myself thinking how funny this thing was and I hand over the laptop for him to see it. I see him purse his lips like he does when he's preparing to see what I think is so funny and the determination in his eyes to not laugh. I watch him closely, still laughing myself. And then? He laughs! So then I'm laughing harder. Tears streaming down my face. He reads aloud some of the things that got me and I laugh more again.
Please tell me this makes you laugh, too. And if you pursed your own lips taking this as a don't laugh challenge, then maybe you're a party pooper. ha! We're passing out jack-o-lantern and bat shaped pretzels and pencils this year. Maybe that makes us party poopers? I was surprised how popular the pencils were at our ward's trunk-or-treat last weekend. And there was one kid who when he found out they were pretzels, he backs away and says, "nevermind." hahaha
And I remember the year we passed out dum dums : ) Cheapy McCheapface.... hahahaha
Happy Halloween! (which we've been celebrating all month with activities, parties, outings, treats, etc, because apparently Halloween is the new Christmas! : ) (you know what I mean.) (And our kids are the cutest bat and cat there ever were!)