friday was will's birthday! and he didn't have to work.. : ) we didn't get to go camping the night before like we wanted because of the rain, but we'll just try again another time...we still had our foil dinners - cooked in the oven.. : ) so on friday we had a fun day going to the science museum, relaxing and other fun things. i only had to work a little so we had a good, fun birthday party for will's 24th! this was his last year he could have just one pack of candles... next year we'll have to get a nice pink one to put with all his blue ones... : ) a triple chocolate fudge cake with brownie ice cream.... mmm.... so much chocolate!!! it was super fun : )
saturday we went to albuquerque... remember that song from 1st grade? albuquerque he's my turkey.... will's only ever heard it from me.. : ) it's only about an hour and forty? minutes away... we drove through what seemed like cats and dogs rain for a little while, but we were able to go to the temple in the morning which was nice : ) then we went to what felt like a billion other places... a good, long day : ) among other things, we went to redeem will's birthday coupons.. we ate just about as much as we could at red robin... we'd been looking forward to it for a while : ) it was one of those times (like thanksgiving) where you tell yourself you're never going to eat again! and then you always break that promise later.. : ) we also got baskin robbins and cold stone ice cream : ) between the red robin and ice cream we went and found my parents' old apt complex from when they used to live in albequerque, right after they left byu... just for a little while. that was pretty neat! we also went to check out the unm campus (univ of new mexico)... we still needed to walk around some to ease our poor little tummies... : ) on the way home we went on a wild walmart chase in bernalillo... just for a few items... could they make it any harder to find?! if they would have put it where they said it was, it wouldn't have been so bad, but we drove to the end of don tomas one way, then the other way and never found it... with some other roundabout getting lostings... finally, by a stroke of luck, just beyond some casino (who was housing a sold out WWF match that night) we found it! then they couldn't even fix the battery in will's watch... good thing we got our bread and stir fry sauce we can't get here in los alamos... : ) when we were coming out of walmart the rain was really coming down... we thought it was cats and dogs before, but this was seriously cats and dogs this time... maybe even... cheetahs and wolves! as we drove up to temple it must have really just been gerbils and... lab rats... (that's what will said in the car... imagine if it was really raining lab rats... sick!) anyway... in the 20-25 seconds it took us to *run* to our car, we got super duper wet! big chunky rain, flashes of lightning in the sky, thunder, the parking lot was looking kinda floody... in albuquerque they have signs various places saying not to drive there if it's flooded... but we saw no such signs in bernalillo.. : ) so we drove home, enjoying the pretty clouds, views, etc... we've enjoyed our long weekend... : )
ps... i very much love and appreciate skype... that was my little plug/advertisement
psagain... i even more love and appreciate will.... : )
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