Ash and Will

Ash and Will
We are a happy family! : )

Thursday, January 5, 2012

i think i can i think i can

when the going gets tough, this girl tries to keep going.....

i've run 4 times in the last week. which is also 4 times in the last few months. 2 times with will and 2 times without him. only because he had to go back to work. it's good to get back into it. we're going to run a half marathon this summer. rather than pay a lot of money just to go run, we're going to do our own course on our own day. it will still be a half marathon. heck, i could even make us shirts... : )

i told a couple friends that idea at mutual last night. i said we'd just do "our own family half marathon." they said, "oh, with one of your sides of the family?" i said, "no, our family: me and will."

the howes family half marathon.

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." (Isaiah 40:31)

i can't do it alone.


  1. Tell me the day, I'll run one too! If I'm allowed to crash the Howes Family Half Marathon that is....probably not. I'll turn on the sprinkler in my front yard for you, you know like the Prune Hill Run.

    You can do it! A half is easy peasy. You can definitely get there at 4 times a week!


  2. That actually sounds pretty cool. I don't think I'll join you, though.

  3. Go Ashley, go Will! Sounds like a great goal!
