it was the best of times, it was the worst of times....
depending on who you ask... : )
on saturday we had to run a number of errands in preparation for moving. part of that required going to a walmart type store for a variety of items. walmart was, indeed, the chosen one, and we decided since we weren't planning to buy too much in the way of groceries this week, there was no reason to not just buy our food there as well (since we've been upgraded to a super center and all!). we found just about everything we were looking for there, and it was nice to have just one stop since every extra stop meant more time in the hot car. (worst of times for both of us, for sure.... at this point we hadn't showered and hot and sticky is only magnified at that time.)
we buy two gallons of milk every week. sometimes we go through a little faster, sometimes a little slower. it just depends. we must have had enough of the "old" milk from last week to get us through saturday still. i'm not sure what will had on his cereal yesterday morning... but by the time we were adding splashes of milk to our dinner recipe we were for sure to the new walmart milk. by the time we were sitting down to eat we were doubly for sure to the new walmart milk.
now, if you didn't know this little tidbit about us, let me let the cat out of the bag: we share a cup. every meal that we eat together, we just share. why not? that's cutting our cup load in half! it's just how we've done it for about as long as i can remember. no silly germs ideas stop us. we kiss... what's the difference? we will, however, use separate cups when we're eating with other people - at our house or anywhere else. it's just how it's done....
back to the new walmart milk.
will had poured some milk and had a drink of it before i had had any. he said something like, "i don't know that that's really fat free milk....."
"yeah, it tastes more like 1% or 2.... maybe even whole?"
i hurried and took a drink. he was right. it was most definitely not fat free milk.
walmart does this cute little thing and labels their fat free milk as 0%. well this certainly isn't 0%! i don't really remember having whole milk before, so maybe it would be totally obvious to someone else.... i can't decide if i think it's 2% or whole.... last night i though 2... today i might be leaning towards whole...
well to will this is like the worst of times. to me this is like the best of times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i always love going to things where they provide milk because no one ever provides skim milk. it's at least 1% and that's like a treat to me! i'm not picky, i'll take 1 or 2! and if this stuff is whole, it's a nice treat too!! : ) i grew up on skim and i know it's healthier (and cheaper), so that's what we buy consistently. but i absolutely love the taste of anything above that. including cream... : )
will said last night that he was tempted to water it down. i'm sure i had a look of panic when i asked if he meant the whole jug. he said no, just in a cup for himself. he didn't do it, but i had a hard time bearing the thought of someone adding water to milk that creamy white and beautiful! : )
we can't tell for sure if the other gallon is skim or something else, but we're thinking it looks awfully milky white... and pretty... : ) i asked will if he took them off the shelf from right next to each other. he said he hoped not. i said i hoped so!
he also said he felt like he needed to go brush it off his teeth... ha i think he's ok with 1%, but whatever this is is taking it too far for him.
soooo..... whoever, whenever, however.... someone made a little bit of a mistake and packaged the wrong milk in the wrong jugs... or put the wrong sticker on it? but i plan to savor and enjoy my milky treat all week long!!!
will will have to endure.... that or water his down when i'm not looking... : ) it might be a long week for him...
Ash and Will

We are a happy family! : )
Monday, May 13, 2013
Friday, May 10, 2013
don't share it with me
she was back today... i hope she was truly over it... because i don't want it!
these sorts of things stick with you. i'm sure the girl who threw up ON HER BOOK will never forget that... i never threw up in school, but i imagine that stays with you. i would also assume that some of the classmates, including the adamant one won't forget it either... at least not for a while : ) i still remember the time a boy at my table (pod of 4) threw up in first grade... pretty sure i remember which one, too.
these sorts of things stick with you. i'm sure the girl who threw up ON HER BOOK will never forget that... i never threw up in school, but i imagine that stays with you. i would also assume that some of the classmates, including the adamant one won't forget it either... at least not for a while : ) i still remember the time a boy at my table (pod of 4) threw up in first grade... pretty sure i remember which one, too.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
i think i'm gonna be sick
today i was asking some kids in the other third grade group if their classmate was there today - like 'should i be expecting her to come?'
"no, she threw up on her book."
"oh, she threw up?"
i was corrected: "she threw up ON HER BOOK"
i guess that was an important detail... ha
needless to say, she wasn't there, and i didn't need to expect her to come.
an additional note: as of today i have handed out "bench passes" for every grade i have groups for (1-4). who knew it would be a triple whammy with 3 in 2nd grade today?? today that was 50%..... come on, summer!
20 or so minutes later one of them came back with an apology note:
I soory Mrs. _______ for inrupting in class.
I soory for talking in class so muck.
I know we cant learn when I talking.
I am going to do beter tomarow.
I will pay attention tomarow and not talk so muck.
my fingers are crossed... : )
"no, she threw up on her book."
"oh, she threw up?"
i was corrected: "she threw up ON HER BOOK"
i guess that was an important detail... ha
needless to say, she wasn't there, and i didn't need to expect her to come.
an additional note: as of today i have handed out "bench passes" for every grade i have groups for (1-4). who knew it would be a triple whammy with 3 in 2nd grade today?? today that was 50%..... come on, summer!
20 or so minutes later one of them came back with an apology note:
I soory Mrs. _______ for inrupting in class.
I soory for talking in class so muck.
I know we cant learn when I talking.
I am going to do beter tomarow.
I will pay attention tomarow and not talk so muck.
my fingers are crossed... : )
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