are you a teacher? were you once a teacher? are you training to become a teacher? we're talking public school teachers. everyone is a teacher in some way or capacity, which is wonderful, but right now i'm talking about public school teachers.
if you answered no to the above questions, then calm down. if you answered yes to any of the above questions, then i support, applaud, and understand much of the hard work and time you put into your job. mmmm... actually, thanks for dedicating most of your life to it.
to the person who would be a noer (you answered no), please do not think that you are going to get any other sort of degree or training and then go out to save education. please don't think your law, business, math, arts, or science degree informs you of what's going on in our public schools.
if you are a yesser (you answered yes) then you know that you had many ideas and visions of what it was like to be a teacher. then you became a teacher and discovered there's so much more to learn that one simply CANNOT understand until they have been the teacher.
noers, listen up: teachers do what they are told/asked to do. teachers don't make the laws. guess what, it's not principals either. next time you are thinking about teachers who aren't teaching enough science or arts, or using assessments that don't seem developmentally appropriate, remember that we do what we're asked - even if that means doing something we wouldn't choose or changing multiple times in the same school year. we didn't write the standards, but we are required by law to teach them. you may have ideas of what is or isn't working in our public schools. you may have ideas of new things to try. innovation and change are how we can improve, so please bring on the ideas. but remember this: until you have been the teacher, there are things you will just not understand. listen to teachers! they're the ones that have been eye-deep in authentic experiences. if you want to "save" education i invite you to obtain the proper training and credentials, then try it. i offer you my personal guarantee that you will make some new discoveries and have your eyes opened to things you did not realize before.
while on the topic, as a teacher, let me give you my suggestion. smaller class sizes. quit letting teachers go. teachers just can't be everything to everyone all of the time. not with classes so big. brand new technology isn't always the answer. i'd rather have a person teaching my child than a computer.
lastly: no, i didn't choose my major or field to attract a husband and get married or to take "the easy way out". thank you very much. do you think that major/job is easier? teachers must make it look easy because they enjoy it so much. aren't we lucky? : )
thank you, world. those things have been bothering me for a while now.
"The noblest of all professions is that of teaching, and ... upon the effectiveness of that teaching hangs the destiny of nations." - President David O. McKay
i am grateful to have the example of my Savior, Jesus Christ, the Master Teacher. it is my goal to teach children temporal things as well as share our Savior's love with them. until i am blessed with my own children, i am grateful that i can teach and serve in this fulfilling capacity. : )
You tell 'em, girl!!! It is too bad how much babysitting teachers are expected to perform and then they take flak for not teaching enough.